Destination: Békéscsaba

It’s official! I will be spending this upcoming year in Békéscsaba, Hungary. Particularly, I will be hosted by the Békéscsabai Evangélikus Egyházközség (the Lutheran church in Békéscaba.)

As far as my specific placement goes, I will be living in an apartment on the grounds of a local high school and engaging in a variety of service ministries there. Some of these could include small group English language tutoring at the high school, assisting with the local art schools,  and assisting with the social hour and arts and crafts time at a drop in center for adults living with disabilities.

On Saturdays I will have the opportunity to travel to the nearby town of Békés to attend a Pentecostal worship that brings Roma and non-Roma young adults together. The Roma people face stereotypes and discrimination in Hungary and around the world. Watch the video below to learn a little more about the history of the Roma people.


3 thoughts on “Destination: Békéscsaba

  1. laurathepastor says:

    Krista, I’m Laura Lynn and am a member of New Day. I saw you on Sunday but didn’t get a chance to say “howdy”. A friend of mine from college served in England with the same young adult mission program. The ELCA does such an amazing job with this program and I’m so excited for you. Thank you for inviting all of us to follow your journey. I will be regularly praying for you and if it’s okay, I’ll add you to the prayers of the church over at Good Samaritan Society, a nursing facility where I serve as their chaplain (I’m an ELCA pastor). Blessings, Krista, and if there is ever anything I can do, even if it simply offering a listening ear, please let me know.


    • kristacentraleurope says:

      Laura, Thank you so much for your prayers and support during my YAGM journey this year. They are greatly appreciated. And, you are more than welcome to add me to the prayers of the church over at Good Samaritan Society as well.


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