Thanks to Lord of Life

Me at Lord of LifeI just wanted to say a special thank you to Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Kennewick, WA for hosting me today. I may not be a member of their congregation nor live in Kennewick. But they welcomed me with open arms. It was truly a pleasure visiting and worshiping with this wonderful congregation and having the opportunity to talk with so many wonderful people about my upcoming journey with Young Adults in Global Mission. I am blessed to have this congregation supporting and praying for me in the coming weeks and months and year.

Do you want to join Lord of Life in supporting me in the coming year? There are many different ways to do so:

  1. Pray for me. Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated as I embark on this journey which, I am sure, will bring a variety of new challenges and new joys.
  2. Follow me. Be a part of my journey by following my journey, whether that is by reading my blog or talking to me in other ways.
  3. Write me. Feel free to send me an email (Contact) or write me a letter (contact me for the address). I would absolutely love to hear from you.
  4. Donate. A year of service isn’t free. In fact, it costs $15,000 to support one volunteer for a year. This includes training and periodic retreats, roundtrip travel to and from the country of service, full room and board, a small monthly living allowance, and basic international medical insurance. As part of accepting this call, I am asked to fundraise $5,000 towards this $15,000 dollars. Whether it is $1 or $100, every little bit you can contribute helps. Don’t know how much to give? Consider supporting me for a day (which averages to just under $50). If you give $50, you can pick a day of your choosing and give me your address, and I will be sure to send you a postcard on that day!

Ways to donate:

  1. Online at
  2. By mail. Make checks out to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. To ensure proper processing, please also write my name and giving code in the memo line ofyour check – i.e. “Krista Stanley – GCS3339.” Mail checks to:

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
PO Box 1809
Merrifield, VA 22116-8009

All donations are tax deductible. Gift acknowledgement and tax receipt will be sent to you upon receiving the donation.

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